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Requests, projects, purposes and applications are really unpredictable for illustrations. Even the visualization of a concept starting from The idea going to The achievment is an endless field.

In the WORK section of the site you will find projects made by teams of professionals, working in the fields of Advertising, Publishing, Design, Media.
Beyond the technique, I worked with them each time by taking new approaches, changing points of view and styles, trying to adapt creative skills to their communication needs, to adapt my work to their specific areas of influence and their specific demands.

​​I feel really grateful to all the professionals  I have worked with and for your reference I dedicate to them a CREDITS page.

If you are willing to discuss about a new project which includes illustration work, please feel free to get in touch with me.




Since 2006 I am a contributor for many Agencies doing Online Images Banking.
To have a direct access to portfolios of mine, visualize them or download those of your interest, you can just click above the buttons below.

In ILLUSTRATION page of this website, instead, you can see many preview of some of my bestsellers available online for download in the size for the use that you wish.

Print and Web Illustration, Advertising, Web Design Tools and Elements, 3D Visualization, Cover and Publishing Illustration, Images available for download online. Fashion Design. ADV & Commercial Design. 




I personally design by hand or by a digital software. I really like to work with the old version of Flash because I get some options that perfectly match with my style and passion for colors.

Lifelong learning it is my natural inclination. I constantly study new techniques and software, extremely varied.


I use a mix of techniques and methods and sometimes it happens that I myself cannot remember what I did to obtain a particular effect. Sometimes i do freehand drawing with a traditional pencil or a pen, then scan it to switch it in my display; other times it is more useful to use a  digital pen with Wacom tablet or directly the mouse using Creative Suite Softwares as Flash, Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator as well as Autodesk Viz 4 for 3d visualization and 3d characters.

My chinese friend Wen Lan Liu wrote to me on a piece of paper :"Where there is a medium there is a way".

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